Sunday, August 29, 2010

Once upon a July....

So since I previously posted a couple of my favorite people, I just had to do a post with a few photographs of my wonderful red-headed brother+equally beautiful wife. I always wished I could have a few of his darling freckles, even though he always wished h could rub a few off. These were taken the day before their wedding at a beautiful lake park. I love my family so much, and my love has seriously grown since adding sweet Alyssa to our family. We started the shoot by walking along a rural farm road that her sister Melanie Meik took us too..she is a rad photographer! Anyway we had a sweet time. Makes me miss these newlyweds so much since they are a state away.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

A place to put my pictures.

"Love must be as much a light, as it is a flame."
-Henry David Thoreau
I wanted to create a blog with a little less talk and a lot more action, if you know what I mean. So what we have here is a place for all those quirky & lovely pictures that I have taken and will document my journey in photography. Truly this has always been my favorite hobby since I can remember. Growing up I have always found time to take pictures of people, especially those closest to me. So I will start with the most recent engagement photos of my greatest friend Rashae to the funny & wonderful Brian. Feel free to leave any comments or even critiques. Oh and apparently I like quotes by Transcendentalists. Have a lovely day!